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Community Garden Apartments

Project type

Multi-family Housing


Los Angeles


Compton, California, USA




University of Southern California

The 15-unit apartment collaborates with the non-profit organization, the Ron Finley Project. The goal of the Ron Finley Project is for kids to understand nutrition and where food comes from, while communities embrace the act of growing, understanding, and sharing the best of the earth’s fresh-grown food by creating edible gardens in low-wage communities.

The complex allocates the ground floor to the Finley Project headquarters, providing classroom spaces, a test kitchen, offices, and a market with a café. Residents of the apartments will also work for the Finley program.

Each apartment is on its own platform, representing artificial ground. Next to every studio is space to plant and harvest edible gardens. Extra food is sent to the market on the ground. Although each garden is private, collectively they form a community garden where residents have access to every plot, allowing a variety of food to be grown.

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